The Belles are a diverse group of parishioners of all ages. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm in Annunciation Hall, September through May. We have a guest speaker and program for each meeting with delicious refreshments. There are outings for tours such as the co-cathedral, Bayou Bend, Bishop’s Palace, Haak Winery, an occasional bus trip (usually including lunch), and card parties. We are here to enjoy our time together and to assist the parish whenever needed.
We have fundraisers such as bingo or pancake breakfasts, for the parish, to raise money for various projects and promote fellowship. One of our projects is to provide Christmas boxes of goodies for the sailors who come in to the Port of Galveston to the Seafarer’s Center. In the past we have helped provide needs for the church such as hearing devices, candlesticks for the altar, a sound system for Cargill Hall, Day of Prayer during lent for the parish, annual church cleaning, etc.
There are several ministries which are promoted by the Belles. Among those are the Bereavement Ministry, Cleaning Ministry, Altar Linens Ministry, and we do food and refreshments for youth retreats and special occasions in the parish.
All ladies in the parish are invited to join us. Our meetings are very informal, fairly short, interesting, and informative.
To love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of His Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father. To be all that the Father has created and called us to be. We do this by worshiping, working, playing and fellowshipping together – to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
President: JoAnn Doherty
Vice President: Carol Parr
Secretary: Vicki Lackey
Treasurer: Star Hill
Program Chairman: Anita Canales